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The Unteres Odertal National Park

Thanks to the act establishing the Unteres Odertal National Park from June 29, 1995 ("Unteres Odertal" National Park Act – NatPUOG), the lower Oder valley has protected status as a nature preserve.

The lower Oder valley reaches a length of 60 km between Hohensaaten and Stettin. Mainly, it represents the Oder meadows with a width of 2–3 km, in the German southern part determined by wide pastures, in the Polish northern part characterized by natural meadow woods and vast sedge and reed populations.

The aim of the national park is to protect, care for, preserve and naturally develop the lower Oder valley and its meadow landscape, which is unique in Central Europe, and its various species of animals and plants, its numerous moist biotopes, meadows and meadow woods as well as woods on the hills in connection with other woods and places with dry meadows. The national parks also offers non-polluting, close-to-nature relaxation and the development of tourism and environmental education. In the preserve nature-lovers and anglers as well as bikers and hikers find opportunities for activity and relaxation.


  • Areas on the German side: Unteres Odertal National Park: about 10,500 hectares
  • Landscape preserve of the National Park region: about 17,774 hectares
  • Share of the area on Schwedt territory: about 5,500 hectares


  • Nationalpark-Verwaltung (Administration), Criewen, Park 2, 16303 Schwedt/Oder, Phone: +49 3332 26770,
    Internet: www.nationalpark-unteres-odertal.eu
  • Naturwacht (Appointments: excursions, guided walks), Criewen, Park 2, 16303 Schwedt/Oder, Phone: +49 3332 516406
  • Nationalparkhaus Criewen, Phone: +49 3332 267744


Stadt Schwedt/Oder
Dr.-Theodor-Neubauer-Straße 5
D-16303 Schwedt/Oder
+49 3332 446-0
+49 3332 22116
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